Foundation Degree in Sports Performance (European Judo Union)

University of Bath

In April 2005 I started this degree course through the University of Bath, the FdSc is a first of its kind course run with the assistance of the European Judo Union. It is also a level four coaching course in the eyes of the British Judo Association.

The course presently has 25 students, all experienced Judoka. We attend the University for two weeks, twice a year for three years. We then complete assignments from home.

I "blog" each time I attend the course HERE ()

This sub-section of the website I intend to fill with information pertaining to the course and the assignments, etc. The process of completing the assignments is really great, it makes you give thought and form to many of the ideas that float around the back of your head.

Examples of the great benefit of attending the course are the player assessment form I designed for use with my first batch of assignments and am reusing for the second block. I have seen aspects of it "borrowed" and used in other clubs already, like the fitness test (which I did miserably on myself). I am planning to develop an online version if it is practical as I have found the form itself to be really useful in helping Judoka and myself to discuss their Judo based on the document they fill in.

Information on each "Block" of the course

Below I shall outline what each of the resedential blocks and associated assignments involved along with my personal comments/rants etc.

Block One - March/April 2005

This is where it all began. This block focussed primarily on the hows and whys of Elite coaching. Lectures by Roy Inman, Tony McConnell, Debbie Palmer, Neil Adams, Simon Hicks, Kenzo Nakamura, Anthony Bush, Mike Callan, Graham Randall & Kate Howey.

Topics covered included a lot on new Judo competition techniques, what it takes to be "Elite", Hydration & Nutrition for Judoka and an interesting lecture on grip strength and training for grip strength. My favourite sessions were with Simon, his notation system and video analysis views are fantastic.

Assignments for the block were all handed in after the event and covered Hydration & Nutrition, Statistical analysis and player analysis and coaching. One assignment done whilst there were presentations made by groups on a variety of Judo topics.

Block Two - July August 2005

This block was very different to the first, much more ecclectic. We covered some diverse topics ranging from the history of Japanese martial arts, Kata, Teaching Judo to Kids, Ethics, Drugs, Core stability, Professional Development Documents, the Japanese development system and much more.

Assignments included, creating an info sheet on doping procedures, a group presentation(masterclass) on an aspect of Judo technique, heath and safety, etc.

More to follow...