
This page WAS the home of the Fair Oak and Horton Heath Running Club.

Formed in February 2005 by Lance Wicks and others, the club now exists on Facebook and Strava under new organisation. :)

The recently formed (February 2005) club, has been formed to support the many runners in our village(s).
If you live in the parish, and run or would like to run then this is the place for you!

Dates for Meeting and Running

Tuesdays 7pm start
The Pavilion, Pavilion Close
Cost: FREE!!!!

***  9 Week Couch to 5km (c25k) programme ***
Starting Tuesday 15 May2007, we are having a 9 week starters group.
We shall be training to run the Winchester 5km race on Thursday July 19th (7pm). So here is anyones opportunity to be an athlete! So if you've not run before or are returning to running, give Lance a call or email and put your name on the list!
We will be following a well tested 9-week programme, based primarily on the days and times we used in the original newbies course in August 2006:

Tuesday, 8pm
Thursday, 8pm
Saturday, 8am

Contact Information

For more information please contact:
Lance Wicks
Tel: 077875 65233

The club tries to cater to all levels of runners as well as trying to organise social events, apart from when we meet on Tuesdays most of our communicating and planning is done via our mailing list below.
Please do subscribe if you are interested in the club

Google Groups Subscribe to Fair Oak Runners email mailing list
Browse Archives at groups-beta.google.com


Wiggles is quite a good online source for clothing and other running kit, click the link below to take a look


Here is the club's POSTER please do print it out and put it where people can see it!


Click here for training tips from Cool Running.